Friday, September 16, 2011

Jo Jo's Frosting

So my mom is the most creative person ever! She has made some pretty awesome cakes in her life time. She is the one we all call on for inspiration and overall cuteness. Some examples:

 The adorable fish cupcakes she made for Ian's first birthday.

 The beautiful cupcake cake she made for our white trash wedding.

The spread she made for my baby wonderful!

She has decided to share her frosting recipe with the world! Or the three people that actually read this I guess.

What you'll need:

A Stick of Butter
1/2 Cup Crisco 
Powdered Sugar
Vanilla Extract

1. Whip together in a mixer softened butter and the Crisco until smooth and add a tablespoon of vanilla. 

2. Add Powered sugar to desired sweetness and add milk when it get stiff. It's a trial and error type thing.

There you have it, legendary frosting

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